
Angelica Bonfanti

Associate Professor in International Law in the Law Faculty of the University of Milan

Angelica Bonfanti (Ph.D.) is Associate Professor in International Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Milan, where she teaches the courses International Law, EU Law on Business and Human Rights and Cultural Diversity and Human Rights Law (Jean Monnet Module).

Her research activity chiefly focuses on business and human rights, cultural diversity, public and private international law, cyber law, and international trade and investment law.

She is co-director of the Business and Human Summer School, a member of the Human Rights Commission of the Milan Bar Council and a component of the Scientific Committee of the Forensic School of the Mantua Bar Council. She coordinates the Jean Monnet Module, co-funded by the European Union, Cultural Diversity and Human Rights Law (CultHUm, 2022-2025).

She has been the Head of Studies of the Master program in Sustainable Development in the Law Faculty of the University of Milan (2015/2021) and a member of the Coordinating Committee of the Interest Group on International Business and Human Rights of the European Society of International Law (2018/2021).

Angelica is the author of the book Imprese multinazionali, diritti umani e ambiente. Profili di diritto internazionale pubblico e privato (Giuffrè, 2012) and of many articles published in peer-reviewed legal journals and collected volumes, as well as the editor of the volume Business and Human Rights in Europe: International Law Challenges (Routledge 2019) and co-editor of the book Natural resources grabbing. An international law perspective (Brill, 2015).

Her profile can be browsed at:

Marta Bordignon

Human Rights International Corner (HRIC)

Marta Bordignon, PhD is Adjunct Faculty at Temple University, Rome Campus for the Social Justice and Business, Contemporary Politics of Europe and Politics of the Global Economy courses.

She is serving as International Expert on Business & Human Rights at UNDP Tunisia. Since May 2018, she is co-founding president at Human Rights International Corner (HRIC), the unique Italian association dealing with Business & Human Rights issues. 

Parallel to her activity with HRIC, she has been involved in a range of high profile research projects, such as “The implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights by the European Union and its Member States”, led by the International Law and International Relations Department, University of Seville (Spain). Since 2012, she has worked as trainer and consultant for companies, NGOs and research institutes, training about 20 Italian companies with particular reference to Human rights Due Diligence, human rights impact assessment, stakeholder mapping and engagement, micro and SMEs development, corporate compliance with human rights. 

She has published articles on relevant Business & Human Rights topics in peer-reviewed journals and books. In 2020-2021 she served as Business & Human Rights Expert at the Inter-ministerial Committee for Human Rights at the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Marco Fasciglione

Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development, National Research Council of Italy

Marco Fasciglione (Ph.D.) is researcher of International Law at the National Research Council (CNR) since 2011 where he is PI of the research project on Corporate Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence and the promotion of the Corporate Responsibility (CO.RE.). His scientific experience focuses in general on the international system of protection of human rights, with specific expertise on the impact of business activities on human rights, business ethics and the protection of non-economic values of supply chains. Other research areas include the protection of the environment, the rights of vulnerable categories (migrants, disabled persons, elderly persons, etc.), and the impact on human rights stemming from the development of Artificial Intelligence technologies.

Former legal officer at the European Court of Human Rights, Marco serves in the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and as Judge of the Mission Appeals Tribunal (MAT) of NATO. He is member of the Global Business and Human Rights Scholars Association, of the European Law Institute and of the Italian Society of International Law.

Marco serves also in the Board of Editors of renewed peer-reviewed Journals including: Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, La Cittadinanzaeuropeaonline and La Revista Española de Empresas y Derechos Humanos.
Being an Italian native speaker, Marco has full command of English and French.

Chiara Macchi - Wageningen University and Research

Chiara Macchi, (Ph.D.) is Assistant Professor of Law and Coordinator of Education at Wageningen University – Law Group and author of the book ‘Business, Human Rights and the Environment: The Evolving Agenda’ (Springer, 2022). She joined the Law Group in 2019 as Marie Sklodowska-Curie Researcher with a project on Business and Human Rights in the policies of the European Union.

She has authored publications on climate due diligence, extraterritorial human rights obligations, human rights due diligence legislation, the right to water, the trade-human rights link and the human rights responsibilities of investors.

She leads the academic course ‘Law of Marine Environments and Resources’ and co-directs the Summer School ‘Business and Human Rights’ since 2018. She is an assistant editor of Transnational Environmental Law and co-chair of the Business and Human Rights working group of the Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research. She was previously a post-doctoral researcher in International Law at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies.

She conducts consultancies for governments, NGOs, companies, trade unions and lawyers on business and human rights-related issues.